CodeNPaste vs Git

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  • [CNP] GrĂ©goire LEGEARD

What's the difference between a GIT and a Programming Concept Manager like CodeNPaste?

The difference lies in the scope and the purpose. One is project-specific, while the other is general.


GIT is a distributed version control system. It helps track and manage a project's various updates and versions (website, documents, programs, etc. ). Therefore, it is project-specific.

Some GIT, like GitHub, facilitate project management and collaboration features such as code review, pull and review requests, Kanban Board, etc.

It's a widespread tool for software development and collaboration. But it suffers from:

  • Generally, there is no place to add notes and comments except inside the code or add a particular file in the folder.
  • It's a tree structure. Search is not the primary tool.
  • The code is adapted to the project specification.


CodeNPaste is a programming concept manager. It's a cloud-based service allowing programmers to build their knowledge library, storing templates, scripts, tests, batch files, regex, code snippets, concepts, cheatsheets, and references.

The focus is on tools and concepts with reuse potential within a project or between them (i.e., different repo). The organization is facilitated by tags and dynamics folders to eliminate any tedious file system. A specialized index search engine allows for quick retrievals.

Use Case:

  • Permanent Clipboard, for tools, often copied and pasted between projects or inside your project.
  • Build an independent knowledge base and cheat sheets.
  • Sharing your tools with friends, teams, customers, or the CNP community.

In a Software Development pipeline, CodeNPaste finds its place before GIT.

What's your strategy to accumulate knowledge and improve your productivity?